Trick Gender Reveal- Best Surprised Reaction (Piñata Done Right)

October 13, 2021 2027 Views

Jenn and Mike are two great friends of ours that have been trying to conceive a child since we’ve met them like 8 years ago. They have tried every thing out there, multiple times sometimes and have spent countless dollars and tons of tears without any success until a few months ago. And everyone is beyond excited for them because we know their struggles they’ve faced and just how special this was for them.

So I was told that I was the only one that was gonna find out the sex of Mike and Jenn’s baby and I was to fill up the piñata with the gender related color of confetti.

Well being Mexican, I’ve been around my fair share of piñatas and know that nobody just whacks it one time (the piñata) and busts it open. So I was imagining what this gender reveal would look like with the traditional piñata experience and thought how anticlimactic it would be. So I told them I would make my own piñata (with POP!) and try to make it extra special for them.

So I made a piñata that would burst on impact when hit once.
And then I played a little trick on everyone and filled it with pink confetti…even though they were having a BOY! (And wanted a BOY). And also cut out tons of big round pink confetti circles and wrote down on every single one of them, front and back, “IT’S A BOY!”, hoping they would see the words on at least one of the circles soon after the initial “it’s a girl” feeling from the pink cloud, and surprise them and hopefully make the reveal a little unique and special for them